I am thankful for my husband! I am thankful for all the sacrifices he has made for me :) He has always supported me in everything I do. He's the kindest, loving, silliest man I know!
I am thankful for my dear daughter. She is kind and so compassionate. Every time we pass a homeless person driving she always gets very concerned about why they don't have mommies that take care of them. A time or two she has persistently asked me if we could take the men home with us.
I am thankful for the friends that I have made in grad school. They have all been so supportive of me and helped me when I needed it. A friend's mom even watched my daughter one day when I was in a bind!
I am thankful for the patients that I have worked with. Their strength and determination has amazed me. These people have made a much bigger impact on my life then I ever hope to make on theirs.
I am thankful I have a roof over my head! I complain a lot about the dark, small apartment I live in. When I put it into perspective I realize how blessed I truly am.
I am thankful for my mom! She drives 45 minutes, 2 days a week to come watch my daughter while I go to school. It makes this whole process so much more bearable.
I am thankful that we just put a security deposit down on a house. There is a pretty lake and trail right in the front of it, and so much light coming into the house! I cannot wait.
I am thankful that we will be moving near my best friend and her husband! We have lived far apart from one another for 5 years, I am so excited to be reunited!
I am thankful for all my in-laws. They have been so welcoming to me and I always enjoy spending time with them.
I am thankful for my parent's support in all my schooling.
I am thankful for the little kitty that has been visiting our apartment lately. It just comes up to me and snuggles up in my lap. I love animals and it is so nice to have this friendly visitor.
I am thankful that I will be spending time with my family this Thanksgiving.
I am thankful that we are able to fly to visit my husband's family over Christmas. I love seeing the snow that we don't get down here and visiting with them.
I am thankful for my friends from high school. We have a Facebook message thread going so we can always stay in touch, even when we live far from one another.
I am so thankful that I have less than a month of class left! Finishing college and grad school has been such a journey and I am so ready to move onto the next phase in my life.
I am thankful that my family has food to eat. Whenever I cook something that ends up tasting really horrible, I always joke that bad food makes me feel even more thankful that I am not hungry.
I am thankful for this new blogging world. I love that everyone is so welcoming and that I can gain so much insight from all the great posts I read on others blogs.
I am thankful for the month I will have off over the holidays to spend time with my family.
I am thankful for my daughter's "school" that has been so wonderful to her. They are people I trust, and they always make me feel better about sending her there.
I am thankful for my grandmothers who are still alive. They live far away but I always enjoy the time I spend with them and the stories they tell me.
I am thankful that my friend from school taught me how to make sushi! It was so easy and cheap... I see a sushi making date night in my future!
I am thankful for this nice cool weather that is so welcomed at my door!
I am thankful for all the Catechism emails that have been sent to my inbox. I have kept up with them, and feel inspired by all the readings.
I am so thankful for the weekends and time spent with my family.
I am so thankful that the Christmas season is coming up. I love choosing presents for all the ones I love.
I am thankful for the presence of God in my everyday life. All I have to do is look outside or see someone smile to know that He is there.
I am thankful that I have been given the opportunity to be a mother. I have learned so much and grown so much on this journey.
I am thankful for the times that my husband, daughter and I sit on the porch in the rain. We have some of the greatest times and I have learned to love rainy days.
I am thankful for the Year of Faith. I have felt inspired to read the Bible and pray more often.
I am thankful for the nights a spend laying in bed with my daughter for a few minutes before she goes asleep. I love the feeling of being there to comfort her.
What are you thankful for?
I am linking up with Eat Enjoy Live, Catholic Newlywed, Call Her Happy, Sunshine State of Mind & It's Just Called Spicy. Head on over to their blogs to check out more 30 Days of Thanks!