I went on a quest to find good books to read while I was nursing my sweet baby for countless hours day and night. The books needed to fit certain criteria. I wanted them to be easy reads. The books couldn't be too sad for my emotional post baby days. I needed to be able to put them down easily in the middle of the night. But I wanted to look forward to reading them. My kindle made these books even more accessible because I didn't need to worry about having two hands free (one the hold the book and one to flip the page).
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking, Susan Cain
Discussed the differences between introverts and extroverts and how our world is created for extroverts. A fun read for me, especially since I fall right in the middle of the spectrum. #LivedUpToExpectations
Left Neglected, Lisa Genova
Story of a stressed out, workaholic mother who learns to appreciate the simple things in life after she suffers tramatic brain injury post car accident. Perfect for the OT in me. #ALittleTooEmotionalPostBaby #awesomeread
Why is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me, Mindy Kaling
Filled with hilarious stories from the writer of The Office's childhood. Perfect light hearted read for after having a baby.
God I Have Issues: 50 Ways to Pray No Matter How You Feel, Mark Thibodeaux S. J.
This book gives you concrete ways to pray based on your emotions. Perfect for the emotional postpartum days. #GreatReference
How Do You Tuck in a Superhero?, Rachel Balducci
Filled with the humor that comes from raising 5 boys. It reads like a blog and is very easy to put down and pick right back up in spurts.
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Alexader McCall Smith
The tale of a lady detective who lives in Africa. The book is broken up into snippets of cases, which make it easy to read when you have just small chunks of time.
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