Showing posts with label overwhelmed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overwhelmed. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lower Your Standards

I started my rotations at the hospital just over 2 weeks ago. The work is so enjoyable, but I am still overwhelmed. I chatted with the CathSorority girls about helpful ideas to keep my house clean. So many of them offered such helpful advice like:
  • Set a timer for 10 minutes each day to clean
  • Turn cleaning into play time, so my daughter can participate 
  • Hire help (a girl can dream)
  • Break up all the cleaning duties so it seems less intense through out the week
Then I had a realization, maybe my problem isn't that my house is too messy, maybe its that my expectations are too high. Perhaps now, is as good a time as any, to give myself and my family a break. 

I have been such a grouch lately. My poor husband got the brunt of it, when he didn't jump at doing the dishes, when I asked him at 10 p.m. one night. I was unreasonable.

On Sunday the parish priest used his homily to make such a profound statement. He said that some of the parishioners have come up to him and said that while they really enjoy his homilies, sometimes they wish he would use the homilies to convince the congregation to repent. 

The priest said that while repenting is important, he would rather his parish be a place of refuge. He said that the world is brutal and is always telling people what they are doing wrong. He wants the truth of the love of God to be spoken from the walls of his Church. The love of God will make people feel like they are home and cared for---and that will keep people coming back. 

I will say his philosophy certainly has worked on me. 

Given my recent overwhelmed state of mind, I realized that the statement the priest made can also be applied to each families' home. My worry and frustration causes my family to not want to be home or to not feel welcomed. 

Accepting imperfection, while trying to become better can make a home so much more welcoming. 

I'd rather a messy house, then a frustrated family.

When you are in a challenging season in your life, what expectations do you let go?