Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2013

15 Things I Wish I learned in School

Recently I have found myself questioning some things my daughter is learning in preschool. Then I found myself thinking back on my own schooling. What I learned in school was purely academic for the most part, and I learned very little at home... although I was encouraged to read a lot and participate in a million extra curricular activities. So here is the list I came up with of what I wish I learned while growing up:

  1. How to sew
  2. How to create a budget friendly list to go grocery shopping
  3. How to find a whole bunch of healthy recipes
  4. How to cook those recipes
  5. How to cook without a recipe
  6. How to bake
  7. How to plan a party
  8. How to plan for guests visiting
  9. How to choose which plants/flowers//trees/vegetables grow the best in my area
  10. How to not kill plants (aka garden)
  11. How to clean a bathroom
  12. How to actually clean anything for that matter
  13. How to organize clutter
  14. How to put together a household budget
  15. How to create a closet full of clothes/accessories that mostly coordinate and don't require too much attention 
I certainly learned to think critically. I can read and write. These are all good things...don't get me wrong. 

But now that I am trying to get a household to run and thrive, I find myself inadequate in so many skills. I google "how to" do about a billion simple tasks a day; it's embarrassing. 

I think about my grandmother. She didn't have google. She knew how to do these things. She either learned them at school in home economics or they were passed down from her mother. I find it hard to believe that I went my whole life up until a few years ago without these skills.

 I am slowly learning. Most days it feels like I am way behind where I should be (aka my house is a mess). Now I have to think about what I need to do to make sure my children don't find themselves in this same dilemma.

What do you wish you learned in school or at home? How are you ensuring your children grow up with adequate skills for adulthood?

Friday, October 5, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (5)

I did my first guest post ever on marrying young and going to grad school! Head over to Catholic Newlywed to check it out!

It was my daughter's 3rd birthday last week. We had a great time opening presents, making and eating cake and we went to a football game. Which she actually loved, once she got the ear plugs in her ears :)
We looked at our first rental house on Monday. It was such a disappointment. I have heard horror stories about how difficult it is to look for a house to buy, but didn't imagine that renting a house was equally frustrating. I guess we are back to the drawing board. We have just over 2 months to find a new place!

So my OT class has a Facebook group and we often sharing inspiring things we find online with one another. A few days ago, a girl in my class sent us this link: A Love Story In 22 Pictures. It was so awesome I had to share it with all of you!
Photo Credit: Tim Dodd Photography
Have any of you seen the new show Revolution? What do you think? I am obsessed with it! There is some violence, but I am addicted to the story line. It is basically a "what if" kind of show. All the power goes out in the entire world, and there is no way to turn it back on. No internet, no phones, no nothing. Then US government goes under. It is the story of one particular group of people on a search for one of the character's brothers.
We have been cleaning a lot around here, because my in-laws are coming into town!

I can't think of anything else, so happy Friday!

Head back over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Marrying Young: Grad School and Mommy Style

You can check out my first ever guest post for Mandi over at Catholic Newlywed! I am so excited to share it with all of you.  I wrote about my experience marrying young, having a child young and going to grad school. Here is a little excerpt: 

"The first few months were blissful, but challenging. There were small arguments about things like where the dishes should go after a meal. Then there was the fact that he liked olives on his pizza, and I think they are possibly the most disgusting food on the planet. "

If you are visiting my blog for the first time I am so glad your here! I encourage you to check out some of my favorite posts so far:  About Me,  Roasted Red Pepper Hummus, When To Buy Cheap, and When Not To, Sirach and Duties Towards God, and Wedding Rehearsal Ribbon Bouquet

I also love it if you would follow me!

Now I'm sending you back over to some of my favorite posts from Catholic Newlywed: Stay at Home vs. Working Mom, Mapping Your Love Story,  and Advice I Wish My Mom Gave Me Before I Got Married

Thanks for visiting!