Showing posts with label 7 Quick Takes Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7 Quick Takes Friday. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (7)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and All Saints Day this week. My daughter dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and I put together a Cinderella Pumpkin!
Last week I didn't have a chance to post much because I was completing a week long rotation in a school system. I had a great time and learned so much more about how public school systems are run (I always went to Catholic school). I think OT in the school system may not be for me right out of school. The OT I worked with did everything very much on her own. I'd rather have another OT around to ask a million questions!

Last week I wrote about how I am making my way through my 20's and why I feel so fortunate to be living in them now. These years are ever changing and very humbling years. But they are also exhilarating!

My prayers go out to the families who were hit by hurricane Sandy. Those that lost their lives and to those who lost their belongings and their power. 

We are on hopefully our final look for a rental house. We need to be moving in 1 month. Who knew finding a rental house could be so stressful and time consuming!

So many people around me are sick right now. If that is you, you may want to try one of these:

 If you are looking for dinner ideas for this coming week, you may want to try out my Potato and Leek Soup! It is one of my favorites.

Head back over to Jen's for more quick takes!

Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (6)

Last weekend we house sat for my parents. My daughter found all my old American Girl dolls, furniture and clothes. I used to sit in my room for hours just playing with, acting out scenarios, changing their clothes and doing their hair. To my surprise she was equally delighted with them. We played American Girl dolls for well over 2 hours. I was in heaven. I got online to see if the store had changed any. Well now the dolls are over $100 per doll, but they have wheelchairs, hearing aids, dolls without hair and much more! I was so excited! About 7 years ago when I volunteered at a camp for children with cerebral palsy all the girls wanted wheelchairs for their American Girl dolls. They wanted their dolls to be just like them. Now girls like them can have that opportunity!

This week I wrote a post about balancing family life and working, or in my case school.

Speaking of school, I am in the home stretch now! I go out to a school district for a week, next week. Then there is just a little over a month left of class!!!

We made animals out of outdoor supplies! We got the idea from Ever Never Again. My daughter was thrilled with finding all the supplies, and then got a little glue crazy.
A lion: I gave her a lot of guidance

This next one I gave her a little less guidance (if you were wondering, it's a zebra)

This one is a kitty. She proudly stated that she included a bottom in her creation.

This weekend my husband and I have talked about doing something fun, because the weather is supposed to be beautiful! I am thinking maybe we'll go find a pumpkin patch and get pumpkins for Halloween.

For my daughter's birthday 2 weeks ago she got the game HiHo Cherrio. We have played it a minimum of 3 times per day, everyday! Ha, glad the present was a hit!

Now that I am on my seventh quick takes, I'll say goodbye. Here are my silliest ways to say goodbye!

Head back over to Jen for more quick takes!

Friday, October 5, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (5)

I did my first guest post ever on marrying young and going to grad school! Head over to Catholic Newlywed to check it out!

It was my daughter's 3rd birthday last week. We had a great time opening presents, making and eating cake and we went to a football game. Which she actually loved, once she got the ear plugs in her ears :)
We looked at our first rental house on Monday. It was such a disappointment. I have heard horror stories about how difficult it is to look for a house to buy, but didn't imagine that renting a house was equally frustrating. I guess we are back to the drawing board. We have just over 2 months to find a new place!

So my OT class has a Facebook group and we often sharing inspiring things we find online with one another. A few days ago, a girl in my class sent us this link: A Love Story In 22 Pictures. It was so awesome I had to share it with all of you!
Photo Credit: Tim Dodd Photography
Have any of you seen the new show Revolution? What do you think? I am obsessed with it! There is some violence, but I am addicted to the story line. It is basically a "what if" kind of show. All the power goes out in the entire world, and there is no way to turn it back on. No internet, no phones, no nothing. Then US government goes under. It is the story of one particular group of people on a search for one of the character's brothers.
We have been cleaning a lot around here, because my in-laws are coming into town!

I can't think of anything else, so happy Friday!

Head back over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!

Friday, September 21, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (3)

Number One
The husband got a new job! We couldn't be more excited. We have been hoping and praying for this for a while. So we celebrated with a cake. (Purple, per request of my daughter)

Number Two
We have been talking to a realtor about renting a house in a few months. I am thrilled with the idea of moving into a house, not that I don't love the mold that has conveniently started to grow in our apartment...

Number Three
While I was in the kitchen making soup (pretending it was cold outside), my daughter was in the living room nicely playing. I turn around to see she has taken all of her stuffed animals out and was conducting a circle time. Her animals were working on learning their letters.

Number Four
Each animal got an individual blankie to hold onto for nap time, which would be held after circle time. Except blue puppy, "because sometimes friends' mommies forget to bring a blankie, then friends are so sad and cold".  Ahh I hope I am never that mommy! Although I have forgotten to send a change of clothes many a times...

Number Five
We have nothing planned for this weekend. Yay! We are thinking about going on mini hike at a near by nature preserve. We have to take advantage of the gorgeous weather we have been having!

Number Six
Speaking of great weather I have been working on decorating for fall. I have started a wreath and a centerpiece for the time. Neither of which have been completed. Shocking.

Number Seven
Have a great weekend! Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend? I'd love to hear about them.

Head back over to Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes Friday.

Friday, September 7, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (2)

This week I made these yummy fajitas!

My little one gets to come to school with me today! I couldn't be more excited. She of course is going to be a test subject for all my classmates in my pediatrics class.

Speaking of her, we made these lion masks, and had a blast doing it.

Check out my some of the guidelines I follow for budget grocery shopping

My daughters turning 3 at the end of the month. I literally cannot believe it. Someone, I don't know who, let her in on the surprise. She has since been requesting balloons and a butterfly cake. I might just have to make one. We are still debating the birthday party situation, as of now, I am thinking maybe next year...

I signed up to volunteer in between some of my classes to go to the hospital for 1 hour and hold newborn babies. I couldn't be more excited. I also find it completely heart breaking that no one else is there to hold these babies...

Even after this post, I still feel like I need to find a good cleaning schedule that works for me.

Don't forget to head back over to Conversion Diary. Thanks for hosting!

Friday, August 31, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!
Number 1
Just got back from a wonderful trip to Hawaii with my family.
View from our room

View from the zip-line tour

All geared up to go snorkeling

View from train ride

Number 2
This is my first time to do Conversion Diary's Friday Quick Takes! I'm actually quite new at blogging too. Welcome to everyone who is visiting for the first time. You might want to take a look at the little I have done in my blog's short life:

Number 3
When I told my daughter we were going to go on a big airplane to Hawaii, she jumped up and down and shouted, "We are going to the moon!" I had to let her down easy....

Number 4
I got a little crazy last week, and CUT MY OWN HAIR! I actually like how it turned out, I took about 4 inches off. Oh, and I saved $35. Whoohoo moment! However... don't think I will be doing it again.

Number 5
I start back up at school this week. My final semester of classes. I could not be more excited for this aspect of my life to move forward.

Number 6
We went back to school shopping for my daughter's first day of preschool, and I caved and bought Dora light up shoes, and a Cinderella backpack. She officially will be one of those kids, with the light up shoes... but I couldn't say no, because they were cheaper then the other option. Ha! Oh well I guess.

Number 7
Thanks for joining me!

Now I'll send you back to Conversion Diary to check out her blog and more 7 Quick Takes Fridays!